The Totus Tuus faith-based summer camp will be taking place here at St. Joseph the Worker Parish from July 13th – July 18th.
The Day Camp for grades 1-6 students will run from Monday, July 14 through to Friday, July 18 from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. The registration fee is $120 per child (decreasing by $10 for each additional child from the same family).
The Evening Camp for grades 7-12 students will run from Sunday, July 13 through to Thursday, July 17 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The registration fee is $70 per student.
Fees may be payed by Cash or Cheque made payable to St. Joseph the Worker Parish.
There is limited space and the registration deadline is Friday, June 20, 2025.
Teen and adult volunteers are needed to help supervise students, host the missionaries, and provide meals during the week.
Registration forms for both students and volunteers are available in the church foyer or at the parish office.
For more information, please contact Anne at 905-432-2300 ext 3.